Quite a few vasculitis-patients find it helpful to read how others cope with their severe illness. They don't feel like the "odd one out" anymore knowing that others suffer from the same symptoms. Some patients' stories have good advice of how to solve a certain problem even.
We need your help in collecting more patient's stories!
Please tell us your personal story of how you were diagnosed, how you manage your everyday-life etc. If you wish your story to be published without your name in it that's fine. Unfortunately we cannot promise any material reward but I am sure telling your story is a way to help co-sufferers better manage their illness.
Ed Becker (webmaster of www.pansupportnetwork.org) has developed some questions to guide you along, just in case you'd rather write your story interview-like. I have adapted them for his web (Thanks, Ed!), you can access them here.
Please send you story either via e-mail to webmaster [at] vaskulitis [dot] org or via snailmail to one of the addresses you can find under "contact VPS".
I am very much looking forward to publishing your story !
Birgit Wiedenmann-Naujoks
-webmaster of this web-
updated 09.09.2004