CAR T-cell treatment sends lupus into remission

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CAR T-cell treatment sends lupus into remission

Beitrag von Administrator » Do Sep 15, 2022 8:34 pm

Five people with severe autoimmune disease have become the first in the world to receive a groundbreaking therapy that uses genetically altered cells to drive the illness into remission.

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Re: CAR T-cell treatment sends lupus into remission

Beitrag von ANKA » Do Sep 15, 2022 11:49 pm

[...]The disease affected multiple organs in all five patients, but after the therapy severe symptoms including arthritis, fatigue, fibrosis of the heart valves, and lung inflammation all cleared up.

Blood tests on the patients showed that their B cells recovered about four months after the treatment, but they no longer produced aberrant antibodies and the patients remained disease-free[...]
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Geschl.: männlich; Geb.: 1988; Region: Brandenburg; Diag. 2022: ANCA Vaskulitis/Morbus Wegener (GPA); 5x Rituximab 1000mg

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